Thursday, June 6, 2013

Found me a Cutie!

But unfortunately no pictures...What a Disapointment! I know, but I forgot my camera, as usual. Luckily, however, most people in the world have upgraded to smartphone technology (I haven't yet), so my Moroccan friends made sure to get photos and videos of me with the spunky lady I met on Tuesday night.

So here's the story. Some of my co-workers were invited to a wedding on Tuesday, and they graciously passed on the invitation to me. I jumped on this opportunity, as Moroccan weddings are some of the most exciting, colorful, vibrant, and fun/dance/song-filled events I've ever experienced. They start about 9pm and end at 8am the following day. The night is passed with plenty of food, music, dancing, performances by traditional Moroccan wedding entertainers, and lots of gossip about anyone who crosses the critical gaze of curious onlookers. Foreigners especially draw visual attention (naturally, as they are rare at Moroccan weddings), and this attention amplifies if the foreigners brave their way to the dance floor. For those of you who know me, you know I can't resist grooving to a good rhythm, so Moroccan weddings present me with an irresistible temptation. My co-workers noticed my body's aching to move, and they immediately called over a lady they knew so that I'd have a dance partner. Intersexual dancing isn't especially common in Morocco, and in some places it is in fact inappropriate. My Moroccan co-workers thought it was a great idea, though, and I was reassured when I saw that my dance partner was a lovely older lady who probably didn't have to worry about her reputation being damaged by dancing with a Gawri (foreigner) and whose husband I didn't have to worry about coming to whoop me. This woman was obviously a character with a fiery soul, and she danced around the wedding without much care for others' reactions. Many people passing by greeted her, which meant she was a well known woman, and most likely respected.

Before we even danced, my co-workers proposed that I marry her, which happens to me quite frequently in Morocco (they love to create awkward situations). I agreed vigorously and said I liked her, which caused my lady friend to giggle and cover her face. She then took me by the hand, which she didn't let go of the whole time we were together, and took me to the heart of the dancing festivities. She mentioned to one of the onlookers, who was my age and quite beautiful, that I was her husband, and the young woman told me, "you have a very beautiful wife" and laughed. Then, to my surprise but utter enjoyment, my new wife took my hand and pointed to the butt of a young woman dancing just in front of us. After showing me the young woman's hiney, my lady friend looked at me and stuck out her tongue like "who cares?! Let's be inappropriate." With that she won over my heart and we continued to dance and have fun.

Here's a video of a little jig we did as an introduction to our relationship.

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